Hall of Honor

Elaine´s Wonder
Exclusive Special Design made by Melles Diamond Painting gifted to an awesome and inspiring Tiktok Diamond Painter Content Creator, Elaine!
This will be the eternal certification of Elaine's big help in the startup of Melles Diamond Painting!
It will never be forgotton!
Below click on the button to check her Tiktok Channel!

Mel The Mermaid
The Exclusive Special Design is a celebration of 3000 Tiktok Followers on Melles Diamond Painting Account!
The Winner of this Special Canvas is Ebony Kween!
*Below is her Tiktok channel!

Forest Guardian
The Exclusive Special Design is a celebration of 5000 Tiktok Followers on Melles Diamond Painting Account!
She will be gifted as soon as a winner is choosen!
Below in the button you will find the Giveaway video!
*Apply and you may become the winner of this beautiful design!