Aninhado em uma almofada macia, este adorável patinho flutua para a terra dos sonhos sob o brilho suave da lua e das estrelas cintilantes 🌙💫.
Com uma bebida aconchegante e um sorriso tranquilo, ele irradia calor e tranquilidade.
Cercado por plantas exuberantes e um céu crepuscular de sonho, este patinho sonolento incorpora puro relaxamento e conforto. Uma visão perfeita de serenidade e bons sonhos! 🦆💛🌿
Cores: 65Cores AB, FD incluídas.
Kit de ferramentas completo: pinça especial + fita washi + cera multiplacer + cera de coração + bandeja básica + caneta básica com multiplacers e squishy + sacos de zíper sobressalentes + Coverminder
I love doing squares but I also love rounds. I decided to do this canvas in round and I’m in love. The quality of the drills and canvas are superb. Definitely will be purchasing many more!
I so relate to this artwork. I’m sure many others do too! I will be hanging this one up when I finish. Canvas, drills, and rendering- all high quality. Love how the artwork extends to the canvass borders. Highly recommend!
This is my first kit from Melles and I am blown away! The canvas quality is top notch. The grid is tight, I love how the picture extends to the canvas edge and the rendering is the best I’ve seen. Can’t wait to work on more 🤩
Boxes were a little mangled/open and the small canvas was sticking out but the bubble wrap protected them. Canvases are just fine. Excellent pictures. Can't wait to work on them!